Special Config Files For Shimejis

Run the installer, follow the prompts. When prompted for installation options, decide if you want SABnzbd to launch in the background when you log in, if you want it to be associated with.nzb files, and if you want a desktop icon created. Double-click the.dmg, drag the.app to Applications.

  1. Watch the installation tutorial! Important: If you want to update an existing shimeji install, you will need to update your shimeji-ee.jar and add the new properties files into your conf directory. If the version you are upgrading is older than 1.0.11, grab the new jar in the lib folder as well!
  2. My Hero Academia shimeji pack available for download below. You can activate the My Hero Academia shimejis in the Shimeji Browser Extension for Google Chrome.
  • Reset Router Using Reset Button – For routers with Reset buttons
  • Reset Router Using Router Commands – For routers without Reset buttons

If you need additional information or help to reset your router, try the reset steps in Reset Router to Factory Settings, see the Cisco support document Reset a Cisco Router to Factory Default Settings, refer to the documentation for your router model, or contact Cisco dCloud Support.

Reset Router Using Reset Button

To reset your router to its factory-default configuration using the Reset button:

  1. With the router powered off, connect the power cord to your router, and plug the power cord into your power source.
  2. Find the Reset button on the router.
  3. Press and hold the Reset button while you power on the router.
  4. Release the Reset button after 10 seconds.
  5. Wait 5 to 10 minutes for the router to finish booting. You can check the lights on the router — when the lights are solid or blink in repeating patterns, the router is finished booting.
  6. Power off your router.

At this point, your router is reset and will boot into its factory-default configuration the next time you power it on.

Reset Router Using Router Commands

To reset your router to its factory-default configuration using router commands:

  1. With your router powered off, connect the power cord to the router, and plug the power cord into your power source.
  2. Connect your laptop to the console port on your router with the console cable.
  3. Power on the router and wait 5 to 10 minutes for the router to finish booting. You can check the lights on the router — when the lights are solid or blink in repeating patterns, the router is finished booting.
  4. On your laptop, start the terminal emulator program and use it to access your router’s command line interface (CLI).
  5. In the router CLI, enter the commands in boldface to erase the existing configuration on your router and reload the factory-default configuration on the router:

    router> enable
    router# write erase
    Erasing the nvram filesystem will remove all configuration files! Continue? [confirm] <Press Enter key>
    router# reload
    Proceed with reload? [confirm] <Press Enter key>
    Would you like to enter the initial configuration dialog? [yes|no] no <Press Enter key>
    Do you want to save the configuration of the AP? [yes|no] no <Press Enter key>

  6. Wait until the reload or erase finishes and a CLI prompt or completion message appears.
  7. Close the terminal emulator window on your laptop.
  8. Power off the router.

At this point, your router is reset and will boot into its factory-default configuration the next time you power it on.


Portage is the official package manager and distribution system for Gentoo. It functions as the heart of Gentoo-based operating systems. Portage includes many commands for repository and package management, the primary of which is the emerge command.

The most common questions about portage and the emerge command are handled in the Portage FAQ.

This article describes Portage from a user's perspective. Those looking to contribute to Portage development should visit the Portage project page


All Gentoo installations come with Portage. Like all data, there is a possibility Portage can become corrupted or even uninstalled, which is very bad. If this is the case there are ways Portage can be recovered, however Portage re-installation can be quite a hassle. It becomes a work of manual labor: installing a package manager without a package manager.

Binary package

Have a friend or a build server build a Portage binary package, then boot a recovery disk and transfer the binary package to the broken machine. This could be done using the buildpkg Portage feature on a healthy machine or by using the quickpkg command (see the binary package guide). Portage will be needed in to order to install the binary package, however it is possible to run something off a virtual machine.

Boot up a LiveDVD/CD that has Portage included (Gentoo LiveDVDs should contain Portage). Remove the old or broken Portage and reinstall Portage to the mounted root filesystem (potentially the fastest and easiest option in the case of a fast internet connection and available CDs/DVDs). For example, if the root file system with broken Portage was mounted at /mnt/gentoo the following commands could be used from a live environment.

  1. Change all of Portage's relevant environment variables to be set to the Portage directory of the mounted root filesystem. If the broken Portage root directory is mounted at /mnt/gentoo, the command would look like this:
    root #DISTDIR='/mnt/gentoo/var/cache/distfiles' PKGDIR='/mnt/gentoo/var/cache/binpkgs' PORTAGE_CONFIGROOT='/mnt/gentoo/' PORTAGE_TMPDIR='/mnt/gentoo/var/tmp' PORTDIR='/mnt/gentoo/var/db/repos/gentoo'
  2. Run the emerge command in order to remove any traces of the old broken Portage package:
  3. Sync the system in case it is a bit behind on the current Gentoo repository:
  4. Install the new version of Portage:
    root #emerge --ask --update --newuse sys-apps/portage


Manually download a copy of a recent Portage release tarball, extract it, and manually install it:

user $wget https://github.com/gentoo/portage/archive/3.x.xx.tar.gz -O portage-3.x.xx.tar.gz
user $tar --extract --gz --verbose --file portage-3.x.xx.tar.gz

Install via setup.py:

If they do not exist, add the following lines into the following files:

root #echo 'portage:x:250:250:portage:/var/tmp/portage:/bin/false' >> /etc/passwd

Create the /var/db/repos/gentoo directory if it does not exist:


In order for Gentoo to stay up to date, Portage must stay up to date. If the following message is visible after an emerge --sync, it is important to do what the text says before updating other packages.

This is short hand expression for:

root #emerge --ask --oneshot --update sys-apps/portage

This will tell Portage to exclusively update itself. After Portage has been updated, users can then update other packages.



There are many files used to configure Portage.

See /etc/portage configuration files for an exhaustive list of configuration files.

Environment variables

Portage pays attention to some environment variables:

This page is a work in progress by maffblaster (talk | contribs). Treat its contents with caution.

Ebuild repositories

In addition to the Gentoo repository, there are additional ebuild repositories.

  • Browse ebuild repositories [3rd party]

It is possible to search through the ebuilds available in the ebuild repositories on https://repos.gentoo.org/ by using the eix tool.

Graphical front-ends

kurooapp-portage/kuroohttps://sourceforge.net/projects/kuroo/ YesGraphical Portage frontend based on KF5/Qt5.


Portage includes many different tools and utilities to help with system administration and maintenance. The following sections list these in alphabetical order.


The purpose of archive-conf is to save off a config file in the dispatch-conf archive directory. Most users should not ever need to run this command:


The dispatch-conf utility is used to manage configuration file updates. See the dispatch-conf article.


ebuild is Portage's command for running the various ebuild functions. For disambiguation see the ebuild article.


The egencache tool rebuilds the cache of metadata information for the ebuild repositories. See the egencache article for additional information.


Implements the emerge --sync command. See Portage's sync operation and man 1 emaint.


emerge is the command-line interface to Portage and is how most users will interact with Portage. The emerge command has many possible options. For a complete list of all options see its man page:

Below is an exemplary invocation of emerge. The options (-atv) are short options for --ask, --tree, and --verbose. They trigger emerge to ask before proceeding, display the dependency tree of packages to be installed, and to be verbose with its output. While in the context of Portage, the term 'package' can also be referred to as an 'atom.' Do not be confused if you see the term 'atom' used instead of the term 'package.'

# emerge -atv package

Shimeji DDLC Update Pack [v.0.5] : U/ArmyOfAaron

These are the packages that would be merged, in reverse order:

Calculating dependencies... done![ebuildU] category/package-3.0-r2[2.0] USE='enabled-disabledtoggled*new% (-unavailable)' MAKE_OPTIONS='-disabled' 777 kB[ebuildUD] category/package-2.0[3.0] 777 kB[ebuildR] category/package-1.0 777 kB[ebuildN] category/package-0.5 777 kB

Total: 4 packages (1 new, 1 reinstall, 1 upgrade, 1 downgrade), Size of downloads: 3108 kB

Would you like to merge these packages? [Yes/No]

Common invocations

Search for packages with proxy in their names:

Search for packages with proxy in their names or description:

Install the net-proxy/tinyproxy package with --ask and --verbose options for precaution:

Remove the net-proxy/tinyproxy package using the dependency sensitive --depclean option instead of --unmerge which may remove important packages:

root #emerge --ask --verbose --depclean net-proxy/tinyproxy

Verifying and (re)downloading distfiles

To re-verify the integrity of and re-download previously removed/corrupted distfiles for all currently installed packages, run:



emerge-webrsync is called internally by eix-sync when sync-type in /etc/portage/repos.conf is set to webrsync.







For details see portageq.


See the Binary package guide for more information.


Since version 2.3.0 repoman is packaged separately (app-portage/repoman) from Portage. See the repoman article for additional information.


Main (Gentoo) ebuild repository sync time

To see when the Gentoo ebuild repository was last updated (synced), run the following command:

user $cat /var/db/repos/gentoo/metadata/timestamp.chk

Emerging packages fail during 'unpack' stage

The following message is occurs when emerging packages:

Although possible to be caused by the reasons listed in the output above, this issue is more likely caused by low disk space in the path used by Portage to unpack the ebuild's source files. This location is set via the PORTAGE_TMPDIR variable and can be quickly found by querying Portage:

Next, use the df command to view the disk space in the partition where PORTAGE_TMPDIR has been mounted. For Handbook formatted systems this will likely be the root (/) partition. See Freeing disk space for details on how to free up disk space.

See also

  • /etc/portage — the primary configuration directory for Portage, Gentoo's package manager.
  • /etc/portage/make.conf — used to customize the Portage environment on a global level.
  • /etc/portage/color.map — a file containing variables that define color classes used by Portage.

Related to Portage

  • GCC optimization — an introduction to optimizing compiled code using safe, sane CFLAGS and CXXFLAGS.
  • Portage tips — contains a list of tips for Portage users
  • Repository format — A quick reference to Gentoo ebuild repository (overlay) format.
  • Package Manager Specification — a standardization effort to ensure that the ebuild file format, the ebuild repository format (of which the Gentoo ebuild repository is the main incarnation), as well as behavior of the package managers interacting with these ebuilds is properly agreed upon and documented.
  • Ebuild repository — a structure of directories and files used to add and extend software packages for a Gentoo-based system.
  • Gentoolkit — a suite of tools to ease the administration of a Gentoo system.
  • Portage Multi Stage Dockerfile — The emerge --quickpkg-direct and related emerge --quickpkg-direct-root options are useful inside Dockerfiles
  • Portage Security — aims to answer the question 'How can I dispel doubts regarding the security of the Gentoo ebuild repository on a system?'
  • Portage TMPDIR on tmpfs — Building packages in tmpfs both speeds up emerge times and reduces HDD/SSD wear.

Portage in the Gentoo AMD64 Handbook

Portage tools

  • Useful Portage tools — a list of helpful Portage-related tools.
  • Cfg-update — a utility used on Gentoo to manage configuration file updates.

Alternate package managers

  • Pkgcore — an alternative package manager for Gentoo that aims for high performance, extensibility, and a clean design.
  • app-arch/dpkg - A package manager for Debian based systems.

External resources

  • packages.gentoo.org - online searchable database of packages from the Gentoo package repository.

Shimeji Browser Extension

Portage man pages

The man pages contain complete technical documentation for Portage. Type man <subject> in a shell on a Gentoo system to read the local man page. Note that man pages have a see also section for further information.

  • emerge - command-line interface to the Portage system - emerge man page.
  • Portage configuration files - Portage man page.

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