What Category Should A Shimeji

  1. What Category Should A Shimeji Bike
  2. What Category Should A Shimeji Fish
  3. What Category Should A Shimeji Drink
  4. What Category Should A Shimeji Fly

Shimeji Paradise. For those of you who don't know, shimeji's are cute little mascots that wander around your desktop. This blog is dedicated to those little guys, because who doesn't love shimejis? I am not familiar with all the characters on this blog.


  • To use the shimeji: Unzip the file. Sadly, there’s only a.zip file avaliable. You can use WinRar to unzip, though. Rename the XML files. The one that’s 43kb in size should be ” 動作 ” and the 10kb one should be ” 行動 “. Click on the ” Shimeji ”.
  • Shimeji-ee (also known as Shimenji English Enhanced, Shimeji-ee) is the desktop program that creates the fun and mischievous desktop companions or mascots called the shimejis. Users can easily add one or more cute and fun characters to their computer screens. And entertain themselves with the Shimeji.



My gift to you guys, tonight! A Snake!England Shimeji! He’s not perfect, but I’m happy with him and ready to share you with him!


Installation Instructions:

Once downloaded, open the file that is labeled conf and find the two files named 42.4 and 9.91

Rename 42.4 to 動作


Rename 9.91 to 行動

Shimeji-ee (Big thanks to Flusterbob!)

This one gave me the most trouble to work, to be honest. we spent a good hour trying to work it. Finally, however we got it to work. This particular Shimeji has an English Tool Bar and more option, such as a ‘kuro’ version of him (he’s a meanie) I cannot guarantee this one will work perfectly!

Flusterbob’s Version

What Category Should A Shimeji

Owyn’s Version

For my version you’ll need to open up the File and open the Windows Batch File (named Shimeji-ee) and past this into it:

start Quiet.exe “C:Program Files (x86)Javajre7binjava” -classpath Shimeji-ee.jar -Xmx1000m com.group_finity.mascot.Main -Djava.util.logging.config.file=./conf/logging.properties

What Category Should A Shimeji Bike

Unfortunately, you’ll need to enter this every time in order for him to work, but it’s worth it! I’ve included this in the filed named Owyn’s Notes

For additional Shimeji-ee help, refer to this journal here!

Your little snake buddy with be ready for fun immediately after following these instructions! Have fun with him! And be careful, he likes to run off with browsers!

What Category Should A Shimeji Fish


It has come to my attention that Shimeji will not work properly on your computers. Please refer to this tutorial to have your shimeiji work! For the Shimeiji-ee, I cannot find any Mac Versions, but if you do, please share!

Now New and Improved downloading! I cannot make a .rar file, but if someone can do it tell me and I’ll add it here!

Help and tutorial posts || Language Options || Mod Posts || Asks

Q: How does one go about using shimeji’s?
A: Windows download tutorial and Mac download tutorial.

Q: How do I make a shimeji?
A: This is a really good tutorial to guide you through how to make a shimeji. And this is a really useful guide to help you out!

Q: I downloaded it, but how do I open my shimeji?
A: Install winrar or 7zip, they’re free program that will allow you to open .rar files.

Q: Do you take submissions/requests?
A: Yes, I do take requests to look for specific shimeji’s. I will not MAKE you a shimeji. None of the shimejis on this blog were made by me, unless stated otherwise.

Q: Are shimejis safe to download? Can they give me a virus?
A: I can’t guarantee any download is safe because the internet is a very unsure place, but I haven’t downloaded any viruses through shimeji’s yet. I haven’t personally downloaded every shimeji from the list, nor do I think it’s a common practice for people to spread viruses through shimejis if at all. But it never hurts to be on the safe side! (I never really am. I’ve still downloaded ones when warnings pop up but still, so far no problems?) Nor has anyone ever told me about a virus from any shimejis.
And on that note… If any of you know if there is a shimeji on the list that is unsafe for download, please let me know so I can remove it! I do not want to advocate for the download of a virus, and I will remove a shimeji from the list right away to stop that from happening if you become aware of one.

Q: I sent you a message, but you never responded. Why?
A: I will no longer be responding to requests for help with any shimeji. I am not able to keep up with all the requests people send in and most of the time I don’t know what I can do to help anymore. Any requests for shimejis sent in I will add to the seeking page, but I will not respond to any of these asks. If you don’t think I got your request, you can feel free to send it in again as long as you are nice about it.

Q: Have you posted a _____ shimeji?
A: Please check the masterlist. I have almost all shimeji’s I’ve posted/reblogged listed there, all sorted by their respective show/movie/ect. The only exceptions would be ones that were in the queue and were posted since I last updated it, which you should be able to find by just looking at the most recent pages of the blog.

Q: Can you make me a _____ shimeji?
A: No. I will look for one but I will not make you one.

Q: Can you take down _____ shimeji?
A: Of course! If a shimeji needs to be removed for some reason, I will take it down.

Q: How can I get my Shimeji’s to work on Window’s 8?
A: Try downloading this! I haven’t been able to test this method yet, but I’ve been told it works. I also found this, in case you’re still running into trouble even after downloading the correct Java.

Q: Can I get shimeji’s on my tablet/chromebook?
A: As far as I know, no. And I don’t know if someone will be able to figure it out in the future. I’ll try to keep updated on this if someone is able to figure this out, and if I hear anything about it I’ll be sure to post about it!

What Category Should A Shimeji Drink

Q: My _____ shimeji won’t work for whatever reason!
A: My most common ask. When a shimeji isn’t working, there’s a few things that could be wrong. Sometimes a window will pop up to select your shimeji but will not run them, or it will tell you that you need to install a Java update which does nothing. When it does this, try clicking on the Executable Jar File to run the shimeji rather than the application.
If that isn’t the issue, try replace the image files into a working shimeji. Most of the time that seems to fix the problem for me.
There are some shimeji’s though where the program is written wrong or it just isn’t compatible with your computer. So if the first method didn’t work, try renaming the files or extracting the files.
If a window pops up telling you there is a Java Exception, try this. I admittedly don’t know if this works because I have never been able to test it so please tell me if this helps you or not!
If your Free! Iwatobi Swim Club shimeji will not work, look here for the solution to your specific problem.

What Category Should A Shimeji Fly

Q: I tried doing all that, it still won’t work.
A: Unfortunately, due to the overwhelming amount of people who have been asking for help I will most likely not be able to give out individual help anymore. If it seems like a lot of people are having similar issues I will try to look into the matter if possible, or at the very least publish an ask to get some feedback. Maybe someone out there will have an answer to the question.